Sir Bani Yas New Church
Location : Sir Bani Yas-UAE
Year : 2022-2023
The Church design interprets Sir Bani Yas historical Church in its size, context, materiality and systems, yet presents a contemporary twist to it. The design of the new building relies on a monolithic form of raw aesthetics. The imperfections of the church skeleton texture traces the dramatic and authentic walls of the historical church which eventually gives the visitor of the new church a maximized interaction with the original church, yet a lack of detail that they are used to having in an ordinary space. The design of the new Sir Bani Yas church draws inspiration from various elements as follows.
even though the new church is a contemporary addition, but would reflect, interpret and commemorate the modest monastic life of the monks and community at the time during the 7th & 8th century, this is achieved by this rough material finish, mimicking the rough and course plaster finish of the church, but with contemporary feeling and color (Rough and simple exterior and a contemporary but rough interior)